The skills of the “Processes, Plasmas, Microsystems” team are based on process engineering and the development of innovative plasma processes. Following the creation of the Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris (IRCP) in 2014, and our involvement in the Labex Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes pour la Microfluidique (IPGG), our team became known as “Processes, Plasmas, Microsystems” (2PM) and brought together 3 teams from the Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés Plasmas et Traitement de Surface (EA 3492).
Before 2014, the team’s track record showed a predominance of problems linked to the surface treatment of materials, and clean processes (depollution, purification, extraction…). With our integration into the IPGG, we have created a new activity linked to the development of plasma processes in miniaturized systems, which to our knowledge is a first in the “Plasma” scientific community.
We can identify 3 major themes related to plasma processes:
- Plasma/materials interaction
- Energy conversion by plasma processes
- Plasmas in miniaturized systems (activities located within the IPGG)