European project ASTERIQS

ASTERIQS (2018-2021) is a collaborative research project funded by the European Commission’s FET Flagship programme on Quantum Technology under the Horizon 2020 framework programme for Research and Innovation, within the quantum sensing research axis.

ASTERIQS aims at developing quantum sensors based on particular luminescent defects in synthetic diamonds, so called nitrogen-vacancy centres. Material developments that are foreseen include deterministic implantation of nitrogen, atomically flat diamond surface and NV positioning less than 1 nm from the surface.

To know more about the goals and devices developped in the project as well as consortium, please have a look at the official website: ASTERIQS

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Voir aussi dans «Axe 1: Cristaux et dynamique des états quantiques – Crystals and Quantum State Dynamics»

Membres MPOE – Axe 1 NanoQtech European project SQUARE European project